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Blogger Magic - Using "Add a Gadget"

One of the most useful features of Blogger is the ability to add many different accessories, to a blog.

There are accessories, for every blog - and for every owner preference. The "Add a Gadget" wizard, in the Blogger dashboard, is the best procedure for adding accessories, to customise a blog reliably.

Using "Add a Gadget" is a simple process. It will be most useful, in the long term, if used cautiously, however.

Adding a gadget is not difficult.

Start from the Blogger dashboard Layout page.

Click on any link to "Add a Gadget", to that template section.

This link, for instance, will add a gadget to the right sidebar.

Choose any of dozens of interesting and useful accessories.

Be knowledgeable, when adding accessories.

Similar to the process of adding an HTML gadget, there are a few mistakes that you can avoid, when adding a gadget in general.

  1. Some sections of the Layout page may not allow gadgets to be added.
  2. When you find an interesting gadget, be selective!
  3. Some Blogger provided gadgets are found under "More Gadgets".
  4. Don't use "Add your own" - unless you know what you're doing!
  5. Add a new gadget, when adding important features.
  6. A gadget, as added, will be displayed on every page of the blog.

Some sections of the Layout page may not allow gadgets to be added.

Each template section can be subject to gadget limits, and to locking. This will prevent addition, removal, and / or re positioning of gadgets.

If you're unable to add, remove, or reposition a gadget, you may have to edit the template - and change the section settings.

When you find an interesting gadget, be selective!

"Add Gadget" lists gadgets produced by third party developers, as well as by Blogger Engineering. Some non Blogger produced gadgets won't benefit your blog, in the long term.

Look for "By Blogger", for the best choices.

Not all third party gadgets are intentionally malicious - but the most reliable gadgets will be explicitly labeled "By Blogger".

Some Blogger provided gadgets are found under "More Gadgets".

The "Basics" tab in "Add a Gadget" contains mostly gadgets "By Blogger" - and most gadgets "By Blogger" are found in "Basics". Some gadgets "By Blogger" are in "More Gadgets" - and you may have to search that list, carefully, to find what you need.

Don't use "Add your own" - unless you know what you're doing!

There are 3 tabs, in "Add a Gadget".
  1. Basics.
  2. More Gadgets.
  3. Add your own.
The latter, "Add your own", can lead to frustration.

If you are not familiar with coding XML gadgets (and probably do not need this advice), don't bother with "Add your own". Stick with "Basics" and "More Gadgets".

Add a new gadget, when adding important features.

You can install HTML code using the Template Editor - or you can add an HTML snippet into an existing HTML gadget - if you wish. I highly recommend that you add a new HTML gadget, for each important accessory, though.

A gadget, as added, will be displayed on every page of the blog.

By default, a gadget, once added, will be visible on every template page. You can, with some care and effort, make specific gadgets display selectively.

Enjoy adding accessories, properly.

So enjoy accessorising your blog - just accessorise carefully.

You can add any number of useful accessories, to a #Blogger blog, using the "Add a Gadget" wizard in the dashboard Layout page. The best choices are explicitly labeled "By Blogger".

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